Communications Officer in Mongolia

As the Communications Officer in the Resident Coordinator’s Office (RCO) in Mongolia. Soyolmaa focuses on supports the work of the UN in advocating for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and campaigning for climate change, gender equality, human rights and social change in Mongolia. She is proud to support the work of building a strong and collective UN voice.  

To help raise awareness about the Global Goals among the public in Mongolia, she actively engages with national media and press through capacity training, field trips and dialogue exchanges. These endeavors have resulted in a strong network of media and journalists interested in and dedicated to covering the work of the UN in the press. Another notable achievement was the first-ever SDG Open Day, a large-scale outdoor event that brought together more than 150 organizations to showcase their work towards SDGs and mobilize the public for collective and individual commitment to take action for the Global Goals. More than 5,000 people participated in the event and the UN in Mongolia reached 100,000 people through traditional and social media engagements.

Asia and the Pacific

Soyolmaa Dolgor

Communications Officer

Nationality: Mongolian 

Education: Master of Communication for Social Change, The University of Queensland, Australia 

Languages: Mongolian and English