Head of Resident Coordinator's Office in Nepal

Meet Stine Heiselberg, Head of the Resident Coordinator’s Office in Nepal. When the UN country team embarked on the development of the Common Country Analysis (CCA) and the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2023-2027, she brought in the voices of citizens through extensive community engagement and stakeholder consultations. For this, she built on the existing mechanisms the UN team in Nepal has established since the 2015 Earthquakes and COVID-19 response. She led a series of studies on Leaving No One Behind allowing for the UN country team and other stakeholders to better understand the realities of the most vulnerable and marginalized. The studies identified the complexities and processes which surround the populations most at risk of being left behind. Stine is now supporting the Resident Coordinator, the UN country team and other development partners to incorporate the findings into the national development priorities including the graduation from Least Developed Country status and to accelerate the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

She takes great pride in heading the Resident Coordinator’s Office in Nepal, which thrives in jointly creating an environment for innovations to continuously pilot new initiatives to make the UN better serve the people of Nepal.  She and her team also work hard to establish new and strong partnerships, including a recent partnership with a consortium of academia to advance a comprehensive risk mapping that provides a science base for the resilience and humanitarian work that the UN and its humanitarian partners undertake in Nepal. 

Asia and the Pacific

Stine Heiselberg

Head of Resident Coordinator's Office


Nationality: Danish
Languages: English, Danish, Spanish, German, Nepali